Friday, October 28, 2011

Wedding & Thanksgiving

I spent this past Saturday helping out with my brother in law’s (sister’s husband’s brother) wedding and it was a beautiful one. I was in charge of recording the bridal moments during her preparation for the wedding on camera and was able to capture many memorable/funny moments as well. *I hope* It was an honor to be a part of this special day with them. I get so teary eyed at weddings. I’m usually not this emotional but when they played the slideshow of their years together...I just had to let some tears escape. It was just beautiful. I took some pictures but I only had my Iphone soooo bear with me on the quality of the pictures. 

On a another note, I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I will be doing some cooking myself. My mom has the turkey so she willingly volunteered herself to cook it. I'm just in charge of doing the side dishes. Hehe. Well, I hope you guys are able to spend this time with your loved ones and I will be back with more photos. I promise. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

First Blog and Food

My very first post! Yay!

 Well, I've been meaning to start a blog for a while but just never had the chance to. I guess I just want to start one like how you would start a photo album. Fill them in with your memories so that when you look back, you'd think 'Aww...good times!" or "What was I thinking?". I also want to take advantage of this blog by posting pictures throughout my day and improving on editing my pictures. I want to pick up a new hobby so photography or interior design it is. So in the mean time, I will post my first picture of the day. I went to an event yesterday to honor the Xiong clan. So I guess they were sort of like distant relatives of mine. They served really good food there. I had sushi and fried noodles as appetizers. Then later this is what we had for the main meal.

Pork Laab, salad, chicken, greens and their awesome peppers. Enjoy. :D